
Get Paid To Misc

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Sadly out there, there are many different scams trying to get people to join and give away valuable info about themselves. I test and review all the progs i join and list on this site. Below are links and summaries of stuff i've run into. If you'd like to report any scams/fraud sites that I have accidentally listed on this site, please email me. The feedback will be appreciated.

.:.:dEaD pRoGrAms:.:.
A list of programs that either just died or went bankrupt:

Catch Traffic-RIP November 1, 2002
BustYourGut-RIP November 12, 2002
HorizonSurfer-RIP December 1, 2002

.:.:tHe BlAcKlIsT:.:.
A list of all the garbage programs i've run into by joining or finding out about:

Get Paid India-doesn't credit you for sign ups.
IPO-Gold-doesn't pay...cancelled account for no reason
Jumbolina-offers $5 per referral, never credited me for my referrals
Nitroclicks-never paid
Spedia-doesn't pay, hack software in download; look below for more info
Talk n Earn-doesn't pay, hasn't updated stats a year

.:.:Spedia Surf+ & eZula Toptext:.:.
Man, these progs caused a lot of hassel for many peeps out there. When you download the Spedia surf banner you also get a prog Surf+ that secretly hacks your computer and steals all your credit card, etc info. Ezula Toptext does the same thing but is less dangerous.

Remove these progs right away! Click here if either register as your comp being infected.


Programs that pay for everything online; chat, games, email, clicks, etc.
Get paid while getting your website loads of traffic; traffic exchanges, startpage rotators, downline builders, etc
Sites that I have found to be fraudulent; blacklist, dead programs list, spyware alert, etc.
Here is my email address, my AIM screen name, my MSN messenger user name, and much more.

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Top 5 Get Paid:

1. Team1Players &
A Group Effort
2. Polar PTR
3. Belle's Email
4. Treasure Trooper
5. HyipAssist Forum
Click here for more

Top 5 Promote:

1. PCPresents
2. TrafficSwarm
3. TopSurfer
4. Paid Mania
5. Free Top50
Click here for more

the Rotator:

Fun D! Over 200 Free Games!

Partner Sites:

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Joppes Paid Signup
Mynock's Links
Surfing To
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